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  • What We Do ?

    Nevet provides sandwiches fruit and vegetable to children who come to school without the food they need. Food is the most basic expression of care and concern. If we want a child to feel wanted and accepted, it’s critical that we show him or her we care.

    We’ve researched and found that the sandwich is an incredible tool in the hands of a teacher in having a positive influence on their students and making them more motivated and attentive members of their classes. It allows them to feel accepted in ways that translate to greater academic success and overall social acclimation.

    Nevet is the only organization of its kind in Israel designed to provide this practical response to an increasingly troubling problem in our society. We work with school-aged children, aged 6-18, from all backgrounds and ethnicities- Jews, Arabs, Bedouin, religious, charedi and secular.

    At Nevet, our objective is to focus on:

    • Proper and healthy nutrition

    • Discretion to protect the student's self-respect

    • Strengthening the bond between teachers and students

    • Effective fiscal and operational management to maximize the impact of every donation.


    A Bit About Us

    • 19

      Years of Activity

    • 130

      Cities & Municipalities

    • 380


    • 16,500

      Sandwiches a Day

    • 2,500,000

      Sandwiches will be distributed this year

    The Impact of Your Support

    A sandwich is not just a sandwich…
    A sandwich for breakfast every day gives the ability to concentrate, the motivation to learn and keeps the student in class. We invested heavily in surveying the impact of our program, and the results speak for themselves.

    *The research was done by "Mashav research" in 2019.

    nevet-img nevet-img nevet-img nevet-img
    • 40%

      decrease in students cutting school

    • 56%

      decrease in violent activity on school grounds

    • 79%

      increase in positive academic performance

    • 84%

      increase in the quality of the relationship and trust between teacher and student

    • Hunger is the number one reason for dropping out of school

    • 48%

      higher wages for high-school graduates

    • 20%

      greater chance of graduating

    What others say about us?

    As the largest organization in Israel, educating one out of every ten teenagers in Israel, we discovered that alongside scientific academic excellence, there are also places where teenagers have to deal with the most difficult basic hardships. Nevet has become essentially the only player that helps us in the entire country, in all sectors including Chareidi, religious, secular, Arab, Bedouin and Druze. Their assistance in providing sandwiches has increased student attendance, resulted in a significant reduction in violence and even the need for Ritalin.

    Director of Partnerships, ORT Israel


    We wanted to thank you for the wonderful meal. With your help, we are able to sit and learn, comfortably and with full concentration and it gives us a reason to get up in the morning to go to school happily. We know that we will have a sandwich there to be able to eat together with our class. For many of us, this meal is the only food we will have for the rest of the day. We have no words.

    Students, Jerusalem School


    Since we started delivering sandwiches to the students, our school has had a transformation! Attendance has gone up, our students aren’t looking for food during the day and they are calmer, and full! With your help, we have saved these children – as simple as that.

    Principal, Haifa


    Whoever hasn’t been in the teacher’s room when a student embarrassingly waits at the door, asking for food even before the end of class, can’t understand the impact of such a program. Those who aren’t in the schools can’t imagine the difference – the immediate reduction in incidences of violence, the proof that students are more focused and prepared for studies…

    Teacher, Ramla


    The food doesn’t just fill a physical void, but also allows the students to study under better conditions and because of that, reach better academic achievements. These achievements will help them in the future to break the cycle of poverty and dream of a better future.

    Principal, Jerusalem


    These meals bring a ‘homey’ atmosphere to the school and to the students who have experienced hardships. It makes them feel wanted and accepted and allows them to develop their talents and abilities.

    Principal, Maale Adumim


    Our boys and girls are the beating heart of our city…With the help of Nevet, we distribute sandwiches to 1,000 local students every year and help them begin their day properly and to reach important milestones in their studies.

    Raz Kinstlich, Mayor of Rishon Letzion


    How it Works

    Nevet has created a logistics network that works every day to protect student dignity, enhance relationships between students and teachers while providing healthy, fresh and tasty food for thousands of Israeli youth. All this is done while promoting fiscal responsibility so that every donation yields the best possible results.




    School principals fill out a form detailing their specific needs and the decision is then granted based on a series of objective criteria.


    School Training

    Ahead of the new school year, we meet with all of our principals with the goal of building a connection to our joint partnership. At this meeting, we explain the importance of hygiene in food preparation and varied menu, and how to manage the process of food quality and safety.


    Purchasing and Storage

    All purchasing is done by us, focused on quality and diverse ingredients, which are then transported for storage in our warehouse in Raanana.



    Our national network consists of 20 separate distribution zones where, every day, our driver visits one zone to = deliver the key ingredients that fill the sandwiches (A variety of cheeses, avocado spread, hummus, tahini, matbucha, tuna, pastrami, olives, pickles and related equipment). Bread and rolls are delivered directly to the schools several times per week, or daily based on the need.


    Sandwich Preparation

    The school staff (usually teachers) prepare the sandwiches early in the day, focusing on hygiene and food safety standards, as enforced in our training.


    Sandwich Distribution

    Each school determines how to best distribute the sandwiches with the goal of complete discretion to protect the students’ dignity. It’s important to note that there is no branding or other labeling on the sandwiches that would identify where they are coming from.


    Quality Control

    A team of volunteers and Nevet representatives visit the schools to ensure the process is being carried out effectively and safely. We work with the teachers on an ongoing basis to address any issues or areas for improvement.



    Twice a year, participating schools send in an assessment report where they review its impact and detail specific parameters to measure success (attendance, educational achievements, relationship levels between student and teacher, etc.)


    Our Partners

    Israeli Chefs Take Part

    These beloved Israeli chefs have helped us raise awareness

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    (September 29, 2022 / JNS)

    Nevet NGO works to ensure that Israeli children don’t spend the school day hungry

    Some 11,000 students at 238 schools discreetly receive a sandwich in the morning.

    Read the article >>

    Nevet’s sandwich program is helping at-risk kids achieve in school

    The nonprofit organization provides 11,000 meals every day

    ( MARCH 27, 2022 / Jerusalem Post )


    No Sandwich Left Behind

    “My dream — the vision of Nevet — is to make legislation in the Knesset that will
    provide breakfast [to Israeli school children] through the Ministry of Education.”

    ( October 2, 2019 / jewishjournal )


    Student join the call to ‘give another sandwich’

    As students head back to class, social media campaign works to counter Israeli school-
    based hunger

    ( Aug 29, 2022 / Israel National News )


    Survey shows increase in hungry children within Israeli education system

    Nevet survey showed a spike in the number of students in need of food this year

    ( June 23, 2022 / i24NEWS )



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